MC9S08AC128CFUE 8-битный микроконтроллер QFP-64 (5-10 шт.)

24-03-2021 в 22:21
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MC9S08AC128 8-Bit Microcontroller


8-Bit HCS08 Central Processor Unit (CPU)


• 40-MHz HCS08 CPU (central processor unit)


• 20-MHz internal bus frequency


• HC08 instruction set with added BGND, CALL and RTC instructions


• Memory Management Unit to support paged memory.


• Linear Address Pointer to allow direct page data accesses of the entire memory map


Development Support


• Background debugging system


• Breakpoint capability to allow single breakpoint setting during in-circuit debugging (plus two more breakpoints in on-chip debug module)


• On-chip in-circuit emulator (ICE) Debug module containing three comparators and nine trigger modes. Eight deep FIFO for storing change-of-flow addresses and event-only data. Supports both tag and force breakpoints.


Memory Options


• Up to 128K FLASH — read/program/erase over full operating voltage and temperature


• Up to 8K Random-access memory (RAM)


• Security circuitry to prevent unauthorized access to RAM and FLASH contents


Clock Source Options


• Clock source options include crystal, resonator, external clock, or internally generated clock with precision NVM trimming using ICG module


System Protection


• Optional computer operating properly (COP) reset with option to run from independent internal clock source or bus clock


• CRC module to support fast cyclic redundancy checks on system memory


• Low-voltage detection with reset or interrupt


• Illegal opcode detection with reset


• Master reset pin and power-on reset (POR)


Power-Saving Modes


• Wait plus two stops




ADC — 16-channel, 10-bit resolution, 2.5 ms conversion time, automatic compare function, temperature sensor, internal bandgap reference channel


SCIx — Two serial communications interface modules supporting LIN 2.0 Protocol and SAE J2602


protocols; Full duplex non-return to zero (NRZ); Master extended break generation; Slave extended break detection; Wakeup on active edge


SPIx — One full and one master-only serial peripheral interface modules; Full-duplex or single-wire bidirectional; Double-buffered transmit and receive; Master or Slave mode; MSB-first or LSB-first shifting


IIC — Inter-integrated circuit bus module; Up to 100 kbps with maximum bus loading; Multi-master operation; Programmable slave address; Interrupt driven byte-by-byte data transfer; supports broadcast mode and 10 bit addressing


TPMx — One 2-channel and two 6-channel 16-bit timer/pulse-width modulator (TPM) modules: Selectable input capture, output compare, and edge-aligned PWM capability on each channel. Each timer module may be configured for buffered, centered PWM (CPWM) on all channels


KBI — 8-pin keyboard interrupt module Input/Output


• Up to 70 general-purpose input/output pins


• Software selectable pullups on input port pins


• Software selectable drive strength and slew rate control on ports when used as outputs


Package Options


• 80-pin low-profile quad flat package (LQFP)


• 64-pin quad flat package (QFP)


• 48-pin quad flat no-lead package (QFN)


• 44-pin low-profile quad flat package (LQFP)



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